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Women’s Camp – Fall

Joyfully His! Join us as women from across Alberta and the Northern Territories gather together to explore how we can experience a life of continuous joy through God's love, the out-pouring of Jesus' life and the Holy Spirit's power. Such joy will communicate itself to those around us and consequently men, women, boys and girls …

Youth Together – FUSE

fuse. n. “a device for igniting an explosive charge…” Prepare to ignite as we worship in unity and have life-changing encounters with God. There is a generation rising to the call to change mediocrity. Come and be inspired, encouraged, and challenged to be a fuse that will start the fire. Don’t miss this epic adventure …

Women’s Retreat (Fall)

Arise and Shine ladies! The days are increasingly evil; the God of the universe wants to partner with you.  Come and enjoy a weekend away with women across the Alberta and Northern Territories for a time of community, worship and Biblical teaching from our guest Major April McNeilly, corps officer/pastor of Kingston Citadel. Details Ages …


fuse. n. “a device for igniting an explosive charge…” Prepare to ignite as we worship in unity and have life-changing encounters with God. Come be inspired, encouraged, and challenged to be a fuse that will start the fire. Guest Speaker: Aaron White (Vancouver 614) Worship: Elizabeth Sears https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUfyzqFXUQ0&feature=youtu.be Registration will open August 1st. Details Ages …

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